Il sito degli amanti della Yamaha Bulldog
ciao Mauri tanti cari auguri di buon compleanno!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
tanti auguri Michele da tutta la famiglia!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
un pò tutte e due le cose….
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
in alternativa c’è anche il brie che si chiama cosi….. ::mefipallina:: ::mistick_baeh::
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
auguroni Adriano buon compleanno da noi tre!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
se guardi sul sito di Carpi moto costa 5euro + spedizione
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
grazie Damiano per tutto,ottimo raduno a parte lo spavento per Adriano! ::oregonian_beersmiley1::
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
io le ho prese a 30 euro spedite,la prima coppia è durata 6 anni,l’ho cambiata per sfizio estetico,tutto ok
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
puo far la torta ma non a forma di bull,e’ sotto esami ed è parecchio stressata…..
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
probabilmente alla cena di sabato ci raggiungono Monica e Michela
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
modifica strutturale, 450 euri di multa!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
belin che agitazione!!!! Rudy una anche x me grazie!! ::mefipallina::
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
io no….io sono già in Liguria!!!! ::staff_yahoo8oi:: ::mefipallina::
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
auguroni Tiz buon compleanno!!!! ::staff_cheers0ue::
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls