Il sito degli amanti della Yamaha Bulldog
grazie ancora a tutti!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
grazie mille fanciulli!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
Stefano come suzuki c’è il VanVan…… ::mrgreen::
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
Ciao Mauri, tanti auguri di buon compleanno fratello!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
non hai nominato suzuki…….
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
delfino curioso!!!! 😆
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
Micheleeeeeeee!!!!! tanti auguri ragazzaccio!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
mi dice che il video è privato e non me lo fà vedere… pratica mi sta dicendo “fatti i c@@@i tuoi”!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
Valentino ha ripetuto l’errore del Mugello l’anno scorso, errore che gli costò il mondiale…imparare dai propri errori?
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
io si X 2 al momento!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
arrivato alle 18,15 percorso in totale 1603 km grazie a tutti ed in particolare a Ferdi per lo splendido raduno!!!! ora aspetto le foto!!!! ::e_biggrin::
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
a mio gusto avantreno splendido,colorazione ok il resto non mi aggrada….
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
auguri Adriano!!! buon compleanno da tutta la mia famiglia!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
auguroni mitico Ponch!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
io A.I.S. l’ho tolto e sinceramente non ho notato niente di negativo,anzi a parte il peso in meno nell’airbox entra solo aria fresca e questo fa solo bene al motore…..
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls