Il sito degli amanti della Yamaha Bulldog
senza dubbio….
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
all’Elba a metà luglio sei in alta stagione e i prezzi lievitano… fanno un culo come un cappello da prete!!!! ::rolleyes::
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
il fegato ormai và hai mondiali di nuoto…..
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
due anni fà è successa la stessa cosa a me,una funzionava quando voleva,ho cambiato anche i carburatori ma ho risolto tutto quando ho rimesso le bobine originali!!! 👿 😈
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
il mio rene ha imparato a nuotare,vale di più? ::mrgreen::
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
grassie grassie mille grassie a tutti!!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
anch’io….. ::mrgreen:: ::mrgreen:: ::mrgreen::
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
auguri presidentissimo!!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
auguroni Mauri buon compleanno!!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
…te ne sei andato senza salutarmi….
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
motorino arrivato e montato….ci vediamo venerdi!!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
ok grazie Adri
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
mi deve arrivare il motorino nuovo….dovrebbe arrivare tra domani e giovedi,montarlo poi è poca cosa….devo risolvere anche il mancato funzionamento dell stop anteriore,cambiato lo swich ma non funziona,il posteriore invece funziona…boh!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
spero di riuscire a riparare la moto in tempo…..
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls
arrosticini… io io io!!!!!!
Rugby is a game played by men with odd shaped balls