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Home › Forum › …::OFFICINA::… › Exhaust cleaning
Hello all, i’m kinda new around here so this post is for how to clean, polish the exhaust pipes and mufflers from rust and all kind of oxides and “blue effect”. I’m curious what type of products do you use and what process cleaning.
I would like to do it by myself not to go to a mechanic for this operation, so i’ll wait your advice my Bullfriends 🙂
Hello, use fine steel wool for cooking pots, and cleaning product plans cooking ………
In this way you get a satin finish. While polishing the mirror effect all over again to have to use the electrical open dreemel
@ponch71 wrote:
Hello, use fine steel wool for cooking pots, and cleaning product plans cooking ………
In this way you get a satin finish. While polishing the mirror effect all over again to have to use the electrical open dreemel
that’s good.. … I just remember that it’s time to clean also my exaust…… 😆
I use this product
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